What is DevOps Engineer? Skills, Roles & Responsibilities

To be successful in this role, a DevOps engineer must have a deep understanding of both development and operations processes, as well as a strong technical background. A development operations (DevOps) engineer works with a company’s software and operations teams to ensure efficient software deployment. DevOps engineers use their technical backgrounds and project management skills to make software deployment a faster, more iterative, feedback-driven process. DevOps is a practice that requires a cultural change, new management principles, and the use of technology tools. A DevOps engineer lies at the heart of a DevOps transformation and must have a broad set of skills to facilitate this change.

They bring two major teams (developers and IT staff) together to make code delivery faster and more efficient. So, as a client of a software development company, the chance is high you’re going to be working with these professionals. What they often need to do, however, is to create solutions that save the time (and often the sanity) of your development and operations teams.

DevOps Engineer Career Path

Despite their similar names, there’s no affiliation between GitLab and GitHub. Additionally, it brings various technical benefits such as continuous delivery, early detection and correction of problems, and easy management of the project. Business benefits are also super important, such as faster delivery, KPI management, and improved collaboration devops engineer courses within the teams. DevOps engineers ensure a company’s software development and deployment is efficient and iterative. Their goal is to release updates quickly and efficiently and use clients’ feedback to improve their software. Continuous delivery is when the code changes from continuous integration are released into production.

  • Best of all, managing virtual copies of the same parts for a hybrid or fully cloud-based business is the most lucrative option.
  • For example, on a small team, the DevOps engineer will have to be a generalist—coordinating automation, testing, build release, security and more.
  • Continuous Integration is the practice of continuously adding code changes into your code repository (essentially compiling code as you write it).
  • As we’ve mentioned before, it all depends on the current needs of the project.

The business benefits from faster delivery, better management of KPIs, and better teamwork. DevOps engineers require knowledge of a range of programming languages and a strong set of communication skills to be able to collaborate among engineering and business groups. Learn to design and deploy infrastructure as code, build and monitor CI/CD pipelines for different deployment strategies, and deploy scalable microservices using Kubernetes. At the end of the program, you’ll combine your new skills by completing a capstone project. DevOps engineers apply tools and methodologies to optimize production and reduce the complexity of specific tasks.

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DevOps engineers typically earn more than software engineers, who earn average annual salaries of around $89,086. Bookmark these resources to learn about types of DevOps teams, or for ongoing updates about DevOps at Atlassian. We’re the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions—including Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes. We deliver hardened solutions that make it easier for enterprises to work across platforms and environments, from the core datacenter to the network edge.

Mostly, infrastructure provisioning, release engineering, security, management, system administration, to name a few, are the most basic roles in DevOps. Cloud-native application development enables developers and operations teams to work more collaboratively, which results in better software delivered faster. DevOps brings the human silos together and a DevOps platform does the same thing for tools. Many teams start their DevOps journey with a disparate collection of tools, all of which have to be maintained and many of which don’t or can’t integrate. A DevOps platform brings tools together in a single application for unparalleled collaboration, visibility, and development velocity. A DevOps platform is how modern software should be created, secured, released, and monitored in a repeatable fashion.

The condition worsened when different people were in charge of the same tasks. Such barriers were significant causes of misunderstandings, miscommunications, and conflicts in setting priorities. Besides, these individual processes also hurt productivity, which makes customers unhappy.

what does a devops engineer do

We’ll also outline the tools they’ll need access to and how they could fit into a wider development team. As WordPress powers 40% of all websites, you may need strong WordPress development skills to be part of a WordPress DevOps team. Specifically, you’ll need to learn how WordPress works and use hosting tools like DevKinsta. Kubernetes (also known as ‘K8s’) is an open-source system for deployment and management that uses containerization. Kubernetes offers automatic rollouts, configuration management, automated container packing, batch execution, and load balancing (among other features). Chef is built around the “Chef Server,” which acts as its operations center.

We will provide you with an overview of their responsibilities as well as details on the most important benefits of working with such specialists. Business process automation (BPA) used to be a “nice to have” but the pandemic has changed this mindset significantly…. Software development projects are a journey with many potential roadblocks that can arise along the way. For us, DevOps is a culture of working where teamwork, shared responsibility, system thinking, and communication are embraced as keys to success.

what does a devops engineer do