11 Tips for Staying Motivated in Recovery

Asking yourself questions like these helps to motivate you internally. Practice Self Care – Amongst the daily responsibilities of life, it is vitally important to continue to do things for yourself. It is easy to get too caught up in the busy schedules and routines of life. Between work, meetings, relationships, outside obligations, recovery motivation etc, it is easy to forget to take time to care for ourselves. It is important to find a balance between all of these things. These programs also provide a reliable source of fellowship, spirituality, accountability, and support. Others need help in making the decision to change; but once decided, they need little further assistance.

recovery motivation

When the person reaches this stage of sobriety they have the ability to feel happy no matter what is happening in the outside world. It’s always beneficial to make sure your health is taken care of — but it’s extra helpful for those suffering from addiction. Focusing health in other areas of your life will get you used to take care of yourself. This will strengthen your desire to recover from your addiction. You can’t be your own independent, fully recovered person if you always connect yourself in some way to your eating disorder. Your body is not a good way to communicate your frustration, pain, betrayal, or any negative emotion you’re experiencing. If you are having interpersonal problems with friends or family, try using interpersonal effectiveness skills to manage them.

Therapists are Standing By to Treat Your Depression, Anxiety or Other Mental Health Needs

However, if you only think that you have to make it through the day or even through the hour, that typically feels more manageable. The other strategies described here can help you cope with doubt. Having a strong sober network is especially helpful since you’ll meet people who have succeeded despite significant challenges. It’s also important to learn ways to push back against irrational thoughts. For example, if you think things like, “You’ll fail at this because you fail at everything,” you might recognize this as an overgeneralization and push back with a thought like, “Really? ” and think of some evidence to contradict your overgeneralization.

What are 20 ways to motivate yourself?

  1. Just Start.
  2. Break Tasks Down Into Small Steps.
  3. Create a Positive Mindset.
  4. Create a Feeling of Gratitude.
  5. Be Kind to Yourself.
  6. Be Constructive.
  7. Cut Your To-Do List Down.
  8. Set Attainable Goals That Excite You.

In fact, with a record of what you’ve been up to, you might find that you have drastically changed in just a few months, which is nothing short of amazing. This can be incredibly encouraging on days when you feel down or think you aren’t progressing. On your journey, things aren’t always going to be great. The important thing to remember is that you don’t throw in the towel just because things aren’t perfect. Don’t beat yourself up or quit because you didn’t work out or didn’t complete something else you set out to do. It can seem like a lot to you to remain sober and have goals at the same time.

Reasons to Get Sober

For others, the decision to change is difficult, while the “how to” part is quite simple. These individuals may benefit from some guidance that helps them to accurately weigh the costs and benefits of their addiction. As we mentioned in the biology section, addiction disrupts rational thought and judgment. Therefore, people sometimes have difficulty making an accurate appraisal. This does not mean they are “in denial.” It simply means they might benefit from some outside guidance.

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