Recruitment and Employment of People in Recovery U S. Department of Labor

Thus, in recovery, it is an excellent idea to demonstrate to oneself and others that these preconceived notions are far from the truth through being of service to other people regularly. Boredom is an oft-cited reason for relapse, and there is nothing more boring than heading to a job that is mind-numbingly slow, repetitive, or uninteresting. Eight hours can pass excruciatingly slowly if you are spending most of your time staring at the clock. Try to hold out for a job that engages your mind on some level and/or keeps you busy so you do not find yourself craving drugs or alcohol. The most challenging aspect of working in addiction psychology and counseling is having to deal with negative people on a daily basis. A lot of people who suffer from addiction do not want to change, and I spent a lot of my time in the beginning convincing them that they need to and explaining to them how they can have a better life.

Of course the obvious question is whether or not you should mention that you are a recovering addict. This can present unique challenges in the fact that disclosing such information may be highly commendable, but employers may automatically prejudiced against you because of your honesty. You have to remember that you’re starting fresh and while that may mean taking a step backwards, know that you’re now better equipped than ever before to catapult your career to new heights. You may also feel some anxiousness while trying   to explain to prospective employers the gaps in your resume. Regardless, patience and honesty not only with your prospective employer, but with yourself will be key. One great way for addicts to gain a sense of confidence and self-esteem in their sobriety is through finding and maintaining employment.

Mental Health Technician

Those who suffer from substance abuse often withdraw from friends and loved ones. Seeking employment while in recovery doesn’t necessarily mean your coworkers will become your new best friends, but those basic interactions can help you develop your social skills and improve communication skills. They bring firsthand knowledge and experience about addiction, treatment, and the struggles that come with getting sober. If this field interests you, look into roles such as addiction counselors, social workers, recovery coaches, et cetera. There are many factors to consider when looking at starting a career following recovery. Assessing what it is you want for yourself and what fits a healthy lifestyle for you best is critical in making a decision.

If you had a career prior to entering recovery, returning to this career can be an excellent option. For at least the first year of recovery, it’s a good idea to avoid making too many drastic changes. Giving back to others and feeling that you are having a positive impact on the people around you are important to staying sober. Too often, people feel like they were a drag on those they loved most in addiction or began using due to low self-esteem.

Programs to Help Recovering Addicts Get Jobs

That said, investing in your education can positively impact your future career prospects, and a vast array of online programs are available that you can balance effectively with your schedule. Our explicit goal is to help addicted clients rebuild their lives from the inside out and reintegrate themselves back into society. As you transition into your new life in recovery, one of the first orders of business will be to find employment. For many people in recovery, it is an exciting endeavor – the first real sign that a normal life is possible and that it is time to be independent in recovery.

  • As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories.
  • If you are interested in making a positive difference in people’s lives and the world around you, this field could be a good fit.
  • You may have business owners within your support group who would consider hiring you, or people who would be glad to act as references.

Many people who have mental health challenges also engage in substance abuse. Addiction and recovery practitioners can help clients at a mental health facility get the support they need to overcome substance-related issues. Ph.D. and DPC programs typically require credits, and students generally graduate in 4-7 years. They spend the first two years completing required classes in areas such as addictive behaviors and substance abuse, appraisal and psychometrics, and advanced counseling skills and techniques. They spend the remaining time conducting research, writing, and completing field experiences to prepare for their dissertation defense. These programs often include courses like substance abuse prevention, psychopharmacology, and group counseling techniques.

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